Mrs Camille CRUZ NOGUEIRA, Founder & MD of SEDI UK & France Company Formation Advisor / Accountant
will share her experience with you on
« The paid-up Capital and the risk assessment for foreign companies in France»
Thursday, 9th of April 2015
from 9am to 12am
Paris & Co
22 rue du quatre-septembre - 75002 Paris
5th Floor
During this session you will get informations and be able to exchange your point of views for instance on:
- Regulations : Companies Act, French Companies House
- The Year end accounts : profit or loss ? Impact on Shareholders funds
- Main differences between France & the UK...
For more details and registration please click here: https://www.weezevent.com/expert-desk Due to capacity restrictions you will receive a confirmation of your registration. We hope to have the pleasure to welcome you.